
Looking for an easy way to monitor whether your websites are online?

“Site Monitor” runs on your desktop, or system tray, checking every hour whether your site is online or offline.

You can easily add websites to the list of sites monitored.

And you can run a check every 15 or 30 mn… up to you!

This program is a very practical one, in that it allows you to have on your desktop (or system tray) a list of sites or programs you want to easily access or run.

Just a double click on an item in a list (that you control) and a site or a program will be launched.

You can easily add items to the list, and minimise it to the system tray.

Making a weekly budget is something that some of us should do.

It will help us where our weekly money goes.

It also shows us:

– where we can do cuts in our spending, and
– how much money we have left over at the end of each week, once our expenses are accounted for.